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News of my life:

I've nearly got a job as an assistant manager at Staples. I'm going in Monday for an interview. Granted, it's not a hotshot job, but it's better than flipping burgers.

I'm totally moved in to my new apartment. All I need to do is paint my room, and use some money I earn at my new job to get stuff to decorate. I'm really excited about having my own place. Well, I still have a roommate, but it completely lacks the dorm atmosphere of any place on campus. Plus, I've got my own bathroom because I've got the master bedroom.

Anyway. Today I made a decision. It's final. There will be no teaching English in Taiwan, unless my idea does not go as planned.

You see, I've found a sport I enjoy: paintball. I've become quite good at it. I've gone up against former Marines--men trained for combat situations--and very experienced paintball players and won. Last time I was out playing, the other Knights of Sealand dubbed me "The Predator." No, I'm not thinking about going pro--besides, pro paintball is hyperball and speedball, and I'm a woodsball player all the way. But I'm going to use this sport as a motivator to get where I want to go.

I've lost quite a bit of weight this semester. Some thirty pounds. But I have a bit more to go. I'm barely halfway to my goal. Genetically, I will never be some 5% body fat type person. It's just not within the bounds of my physiotype. But I can get close.

My mind is more powerful than my body. In playing paintball, however, I've made my body do things I never knew it could do. I didn't play sports growing up. I resented people who did play them and who were good at them.

I can harness what power my body has already to make it more powerful. I can force my body to burn its fat reserves. I can force my muscle tissue to make more muscle tissue. I can practice and train to make my body more agile, to train my mind to have more control over my body. My fine motor skills are already pretty fantastic. I'm tooting my own horm here, but I've demonstrated that to myself and to others countless times. My other motor skills need work. Sure, I can dodge a paintball, but clumsily. I can dash forward and slide behind cover, but clumsily.

I can, however, sneak through underbrush and eliminate the other team one by one. So well, in fact, that one person I eliminated accused his teammates of friendly fire.

I am disinclined to reveal what I have decided. I would be judged on it. I don't want it to become part of the gossip circle. Plus, I want it to surprise everyone. On one hand, I would benefit from people thinking I can't do it, because I would have something to work against. Something to prove to people. If people thought I could do it, I would have their vote of confidence to keep me going.

So here it is: I'm going military. And no, I'm not aiming to be a sniper or special forces or something like that.

But I lack two things yet: discipline and physical fitness.

Paintball and an exercise routine will get me there.


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06.05.2004 17:53
there's something to be said for structure

last 5
goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
another day, another dollar not earned - 06.14.2004
time for an old halcyon standby: diatribe - 06.14.2004
a new era in computing for halcyon - 06.11.2004
