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So I elicited a promise to come visit from the cute transfer girl from Chicago. I'm pretty sure it wasn't empty, either, because we talked for a good forty-five minutes or so. She seemed genuinely interested.

At first I was a little wary when she said she wanted to go to law school. But she reassured me that she wants to be a good lawyer. A D.A., if I remember correctly. Not the personal injury/DUI defense type.

I was really impressed when she discussed Kennedy's foreign policy with me. Not that it would be that abnormal, but she seemed genuinely intrigued by my opinions, and she even had her own informed opinion. Very informed, in fact.

My roommate commented that the things that turn me on in a woman are very strange. That may be true. I'm always intrigued by weird and/or unique backgrounds... an interest in world affairs is always a plus ... beautiful eyes are always something I seem to go for. That spark of keen intelligence behind them is a must.

I suppose attempting to categorize what I like about women is impossible. When I'm involved with someone, I generally can never pinpoint what it is I like about them.

Man... I hope she comes through on her promise.

I'll just sit here and fixate until she does.


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02.29.2004 20:45

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goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
another day, another dollar not earned - 06.14.2004
time for an old halcyon standby: diatribe - 06.14.2004
a new era in computing for halcyon - 06.11.2004
