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No talking to Kitty today. Damnit. I was all ready to ask her out for dinner or a drink or something after a pep talk from James (I miss you guys too! I wish I was in Tally! Give my love to KidE and Aquaries.)

But otherwise, another day, another dollar. Or another few bucks spent, that is. This life of reckless hedonism is expensive. It's gonna catch up with me. My thesis is due Monday. But after Monday, no more real work until my bacc. All I can say to that is 'Woot'! I can cause some serious mischief.

I just have to finish this crap. I hate revising things. I like to do them and be done. But luckily, Acrobat 6.0 can read files to you, and it really helps, stylistically speaking, to hear another voice read your work back to you so you get a good sense of the meter.

Also for next week I have to learn CSS and design a few pages for the Hub. The point of a 'click-in center' for a student resource center escapes me... the Hub is supposed to be an interpersonal sort of beast. But whatever, a job's a job.

Speaking of which, I need to start looking for a job for this summer, so I can stay in town next year. That's right, you heard me. I can't leave this place just yet. Too many people I love aren't graduating this year. Some are, of course (this means you, Estrodome and the Outlaw), but I can't in good conscience follow them around and leave these good people here hanging.

I've lost my driving ambition somewhere. Perhaps it's among the thesis clutter, but I just don't feel the same need to get the hell out of here I used to. I like it here, and I don't feel ready to leave. I figure after I graduate I'll have plenty of time to find out exactly when that readiness will hit me.

I just have to find a lease somewhere that'll allow me to leave if I find myself tired of New College. But I'll bet I can stick it out until my third-year friends go.


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03.24.2004 03:35
i've found the perfect woman

last 5
goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
another day, another dollar not earned - 06.14.2004
time for an old halcyon standby: diatribe - 06.14.2004
a new era in computing for halcyon - 06.11.2004
