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Hmm. My dorkdom soars to new heights, as every waking hour not spent at the ARC chapter is spent in the virtual world of Rubi-Ka. But hey, I am meeting people my own age there. My other options are to hang out with my slightly older coworkers (I think one is twenty-six), be one of the inevitable townies hanging out at the UTEP campus, or sit in the corner of my room and weep.

I did have fun interrupting some sexually-repressed adolescents trying to cyb0r in a parlor in one of the nightclubs on RK. I hid behind a sofa in a dark corner, reading emotes like " SupposedlyFemalePlayer puts her head on RepressedFifteenYearOld's shoulder. / RepressedFifteenYearOld puts his hand on SupposedlyFemalePlayer's leg " . This kind of thing went on for almost ten minutes. When "SupposedlyFemalePlayer" decided to "take off" her shirt, I stood up and jumped up and down and woohoo-ed. They jumped up and yelled at me and ran away.

I thought it was funny, anyway. I did feel a little bad ruining their tentative sexual exchange.

Don't they know that players have private apartments for a reason?

Oh, right... all afore-mentioned nicks have been changed to protect the nicks of the innocent.

Other than that, I've been pretty bored. I have read little this summer. In fact, other than Red Crossing I haven't done squat.

I'm just waiting for K to get here, and then to start the long journey back to Florida.

I did go see the optometrist at my dad's hospital. He says that in another year I'll need bifocals. I'm getting farsighted in addition to being astigmatic in both eyes, and so for the time being, I need one pair of glasses for mid- to long-range vision, and another for short-range stuff like reading and using the computer.

My dad didn't get bifocals until he was thirty-something. I'm not quite twenty-one. I'll need to strap binoculars to my face by the time I'm forty.


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08.02.2003 04:58
those poor kids are probably writing angry entries in blogs somewhere

last 5
goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
another day, another dollar not earned - 06.14.2004
time for an old halcyon standby: diatribe - 06.14.2004
a new era in computing for halcyon - 06.11.2004
