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I'm weaning myself away from the hydrogenated-oil-of-coffee Caffeine Teat that is my espresso machine.

Several times I have fallen asleep in the middle of the day, resulting in missed classes on Monday. Not good.

But, you see, I've taken the wonderful idea that is the methadone clinic and translated it into carbonated form. Now I am drinking lots of Diet Coke.

Let me tell you, like its psuedo-opiate counterpart, it's a poor subsitute.

I plan to eventually become lean of caffiene in any significant amount, but, with all this "research" and "term papers" stuff coming up in the near future (meaning things I should have been doing for weeks), I may have a few "late nights" (meaning being up until the sun goes down again).

We'll see how this pans out. I could just downgrade my stimulant intake to crack cocaine.

Update: 12:56am

Here are some funny spoof pictures I've found of the Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Said Al-Sahaf:

Here are some for history nerds:

Last but not least:


[p.s.: Ha ha! I too now have a secret blog which I will keep secret even the blog site on which it is located because otherwise somebody might find it and I would not want that to happen. Ha ha! Speed you must not be in the race! Ha ha!]

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04.15.2003 16:43
here at new college we learn to say things like, "don't you dare impose your sociohistorically-contingent value system on me, you anglo-american pig!"

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goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
another day, another dollar not earned - 06.14.2004
time for an old halcyon standby: diatribe - 06.14.2004
a new era in computing for halcyon - 06.11.2004
