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I sit here staring at a diary banner with a picture of a girl's pelvic area decked out in blue Wonder Woman underwear. The banner reads: "Hot mama gots herself a whole drawer full of these."

People concern themselves with the most inane things. Am I supposed to be impressed that she has Wonder Woman underwear (easily purchased at a K-Mart or some such place)? Am I supposed to be allured by the thought of a girl so dorky-hip that she has comic book heroine panties?

Am I suppposed to care at all?

That thought has crossed my mind more often than I'd care for in the past weeks. The world has started to disappoint me again. It has become mundane and predictable (even the coming and prosecution of the war has been obvious).

Why do I lose interest in the outer world? Is it really boring, or am I deluding myself into not giving a damn?

I know I can be callous. I generally don't care for humans (or animals). But there are still things to be discovered, things to ponder, and most importantly, things to do.

But for some reason, recently, I just don't care.

I read others' diaries about their feelings about the war, and their reactions to the death that is flung in their faces by the news media--not that death isn't happening in greater amounts and similar brutality right under their noses. But, I just don't react to it in the same way. Death, to me, is an inevitability in life, and it isn't important if it happens earlier or later. The thought of people dying just doesn't phase me. I accept it.

I also have come to accept war in all its forms. Humans are just incapable of living without it. Peace is an unnatural state, brought about by what has now become "morals" and "ethics" (what used to be religion, but since the decline of belief and a surge of secularism, has had to adapt to secular philosophy) and the evolution of "law" with the coming of the state system. Humans, whether one deludes him/herself into disbelieving it or not, have a latent killer instinct. Killing is a natural part of life, and without it, life cannot perpetuate itself. We kill to eat (animals or vegetables). We revel in watching violence (and it really is all humanity, not just entertainment-hungry Americans), and most who actually commit violent acts revel in them (until guilt--another byproduct of religious moralism and modern ethics--sets in).

Peace, like safety, is an illusion, brought to us by the relative security of the state system and increasingly protective technology. Thomas Hobbes might have been right when he said that without the state men's lives were nasty, brutish, and short. But our lives have really changed very little since the state's inception. States are artificial controls on human behavior, and without a true "Leviathan," we will never be under enough control to stop killing.

So, essentially, anyone who advocates true and total pacificism is asking everyone to deny human nature and submit to artificial constraints.

Don't deny yourself your carnality. You were made from your parents' DNA for two things, and two things only: to fuck and to kill.


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04.03.2003 04:38
peace and love, man

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goodbye diaryland - 06.19.2004
p.s.: i really should get a livejournal to keep up with the rest of you - 06.18.2004
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